GCSE Geography Revision Questionnaire: 4 of 4

We are at the final of 4 posts which summarise some of the responses from the 94 students and teachers who answered my questionnaire earlier in the year...

This final question asked about Smartphones and whether they were used for revision and teaching and if so, which apps or features were used....

One teacher provided these specific recommendations:

Geography GCSE Revision App (£1.49)
GCSE Geography Bitesize Last-minute Learner (£1.49)
GCSE Geography Bitesize Podcasts
Think Geography GCSE Geog Podcasts

About a quarter of the respondents didn't own a smartphone, and one teacher said nicely "I am a technical dinosaur and my phone is a brick".

There were 15 people who owned a smartphone but hadn't as yet made use of many apps in their teaching, but said that they would investigate further.

Some apps that were mentioned by name:

  • iPlayer (for iPad)
  • Flipbook
  • The Guardian
  • Bitesize App
  • USGS Earhquake App
  • AQA App
  • Twitter
  • National Geographic Atlas
One colleague had turned powerpoint slides into JPEGs so that they could be viewed on the phones.

Several teachers pointed out that many students had Blackberries because of the messaging, and wondered about the apps that might be available for these... any ideas ?

Also here are some past papers and mark schemes for those doing SQA exams.... The Badger Book would still be helpful for you...

Google Docs are an area that could be more used.

James Mutton has just created one with the hope of creating a collaborative resource for Edexcel B

Check it out if you'd like to be involved...

Thanks to the teachers and students who took the time to fill in the document.
I shall be creating another document with some questions on the new curriculum later in the year to help guide another product. As before there'll be a prize on offer for all who take part...
