Somerset Geography Conference

Made the long journey down to Somerset on Sunday (and back on Monday) to lead two workshops at the Somerset Geography Conference, which was organised by Noel Jenkins, a current AST in the county. I was also involved in the afternoon session which gave colleagues a flavour of Mission:Explore and Guerrilla Geography.

Here's my presentation, and you can also get the other materials from my Slideshare page.

You should also read Noel's summary of the presentation which kicked off the day by Leszek Iwaskow, chief HMI for Geography.
Here's a diagram that Noel handily produced too:


Matt said…
Thanks for sharing the stuff on my site Alan. Current Y7 cannot wait to do theirs this year. Problem is, there's another 6 months to go!!
Matt said…
Thanks for sharing the stuff on my site Alan. Current Y7 cannot wait to do theirs this year. Problem is, there's another 6 months to go!!